Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Alcoholism-The Need for Improvement of Alcohol Treatment...
One out of every thirteen adults is affected by this. Fourteen million Americans alone suffer this disease, caused by a combination of physiological, psychological, social, and genetic factors. It destroys lives, tears apart families, and can even defeat the toughest of people. And now, nearly half of all teenage kids use it. I am speaking of course, of alcohol. Alcohol can only be defeated through proper funding, reform, and cooperation. There are approximately 85,000 alcohol related deaths in the United States each year (Drug War Facts, 2004). Included in that number are young teens, college students, and adults. The word alcoholic means anyone who is affected by drinking, and seriously influences or interferes with his/her work,†¦show more content†¦Who pays for Alcoholics Anonymous? There are no membership fees or dues for AA. It is a fellowship of men and women looking to better themselves. The only requirement is the desire to stop abusing alcohol (Information on A.A., from the Alcoholics Anonymous website). Although the 12 point program used by A.A. may not be as effective as necessary, other programs are being made use of. The federal government and the Ad Council both put out campaigns via many types of media (more commonly television and radio). Nationwide, police officials are on alert for drunk drivers more than ever. Loss of licenses, high fines, and extended jail time put people in fear of driving while intoxicated. At home, families are destroyed because of alcohol. Seventy six million American adults have been exposed to alcoholism in the family. Alcoholism is responsible for more family problems than any other single cause. According to Silverstein (1990), one of every four families has problems with alcohol. Many children grow up having alcohol problems from being exposed to it at such an early age. Spouses are forced to watch their loved one fade away. There is a way to actually defeat this disease. The federal government can redirec t spending on ad campaigns and use the funds to generate more successful programs. People who are actually qualified would be able to run the programs. This plan of attack would generate aShow MoreRelatedHome Away From Home Facilities1053 Words  | 5 Pageshistorical chapel- complete with stained glass windows. The scenery is relaxed and beautiful, but the oak trees and shrubbery make for a private rural setting. During nice weather, the outdoors become our learning classroom for many of our recovery programs and classes. Some features of our rehab center: †¢ Genders are divided for privacy and protection. Each gender has access to their own facilities and cottages. †¢ Our cottages are frequently regarded as home-away-from-home. Complete with kitchensRead MoreAlcoholism : A Complex Disorder961 Words  | 4 PagesAlcoholism is a very complex disorder. 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It can include difficulty regulating how much alcohol you drink. Also having many problems in lifeRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy1552 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Council on Recovery, plans to address the issue of alcohol abuse during pregnancy in Harris county, TX with behavioral and cognitive-based education interventions. According to the CDC, pregnant women with the highest prevalence of any alcohol use were those that are 35-44 years of age, college graduates, or not married with lifetime-care costs estimated at over $2 million. The CDC also reports the state of Texas has 45% of any alcohol use among women aged 18-44 and 14.8% of the same age groupRead MoreSocial Workers Must Advocate For Multiple Reasons974 Words  | 4 Pagesdealing with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. I chose this policy, as I, myself do believe that alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are a major problem in today’s society. 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Alcoholism can control someone’s life, andRead More Treatments Of Alcoholism Essay1826 Words  | 8 Pages Treatments of Alcoholism Alcoholism can destroy the life of an alcoholic and devastate the alcoholics family. But it also has overwhelming consequences for society. Consider these statistics from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: *In 1988, alcoholism and problems related to it nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cost the United States an estimated $85.8 billion in mortality and reduced productivity; *Fetal alcohol syndrome, caused by a womans drinking during pregnancy, afflictsRead MoreAdministering, Implementing, And Providing Treatment Under Such A Multi Structured System Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesproviding treatment under such a multi-structured system can be complicated. The authors examine a treatment provider, who operates multiple facilities on the West Coast. This provider annually serves clients suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. About a third of their clients are residential, the remaining clients are outpatient. In addition, this provider offers services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for chronically addicted individuals. Like other substance abuse programs, they areRead MoreHumanistic Perspective and Addiction Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagespartial explanations. It is for this reason that it is important to be aware of and question addiction theories. One contemporary psychoanalytical view of substance abuse is that it is a defense against anxiety (Thombs D 2006). Addicts often abuse alcohol and other substances to guard against anxiety and other painful feelings like shame, guilt, loneliness and depression. Psychological problems including substance abuse disorders are viewed as a result of inhibited ability to make authentic, meaningfulRead MoreEssay about Alcoholism1842 Words  | 8 PagesAlcoholism Alcohol Dependence is a disease characterized by: a strong need or compulsion to drink, the frequent inability to stop drinking once a person has begun, the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweating, shakiness) when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking, and the need for increasing amounts of alcohol in order to feel an affect. Most experts agree that alcoholism is a disease just as high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis are diseases. Like these other
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Causes and Effects of Drunk Driving - 830 Words
Cause and Effect Essay on: Drunk Driving Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. There is a mass of research evidence to show that driving performance and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol. Our law in Georgia states, â€Å"that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds .10%. Georgia observes a per se law. (Craft) If you drink and drive, you are not only a danger to yourself but also to your passenger, other road users and pedestrians. In fact, every 30 minutes, someone in this country dies in alcohol-related crash. Every 30 minutes! And last year alone more than one million people are injured in†¦show more content†¦If you drink and drive you can lose your drivers license and even go to jail. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and young adults. More than 5,000 young people die every year in car crashes and thousands more are injured. Drivers who are 16 years old are more than 20 times as likely to have a crash, as are other drivers. There are two main reasons why teens are at a higher for being in a car crash and lack of driving experience and their tendency to take risks while driving. Teens drive faster and do not control the car as well as more experienced drivers. Their judgment in traffic is often insufficient to avoid a crash. In addition, teens do most of their driving at night, which can be even more difficult. Standard drivers education classes include 30 hours of classroom teaching and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training. This is not enough time to fully train a new driver. Teen drivers are more like to be influence by peers and other stresses and distractions. This can lead to reckless driving behaviors such as speeding, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and not wearing safety belts. There is no safe amount that you can drink and still drive. Even one drink can influence your driving offences. â€Å"Nowadays, drunk driving has become driving while intoxicated, driving while impaired, driving while under the influence, operating while under the influence (impaired, intoxicated, or whatever), and in manyShow MoreRelatedDrunk Drivers Essay1097 Words  | 5 PagesDriving a vehicle is a huge responsibility, and can be dangerous for anyone who is careless on the road. That danger increases as drivers attempt to drive either intoxicated or drunk. Blood alcohol concentration, also known as BAC, is the amount of alcohol in the blood of one’s system, and is used as a measure of degree of intoxication in an individual ( In the United States it is illegal per se, to drive with a BAC of .08 for all drivers who are 21 and older ( As the bloodRead MoreAlcohol Related Accidents Es say874 Words  | 4 Pageschance of being in an accident with a drunk driver. Drunk driving is a serious problem that the United States, as well as the world, is trying to deal with, because it does not only effect a select few, it effects everyone. Drunk driving amongst high school students is an enormous problem that the United States is trying to cope with. Many programs have come to surface over the past few years, that educate students on this situation. MADD, mothers against drunk driving, is a non profit organization thatRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol And What It Affects Your Body1036 Words  | 5 Pages I. Introduction A. This paper will mostly talk about Alcoholism. B. It will tell about the effects of alcohol and what it does to others. C. It will explain the dangers of drinking and what the outcome will be. D. This paper will also talk about drunk driving and what the outcome of that will be. II. Body One A. A fairly large amount of people will go out and have a drink with a buddy, coworker, boyfriend, girlfriend, whoever, after a long day. B. They may have a drink or two, but it only takesRead MoreDrunk Driving Is More Precious Than Anything Else1280 Words  | 6 PagesDrunk Driving Denis Pichardo Miami Dade College Drunk Driving Life is more precious than anything else, and everybody would love to live to the fullest. In life, there are decisions that people make that can shorten their lives. Though it’s argued that life is under God’s control, there is no doubt that there exist self-inflicted injuries that shorten life on earth. The decisions people make therefore have dire consequences on their life. To drink and drive is an example of such courageousRead MoreDangers and Need for Preventing Drunk Driving862 Words  | 3 PagesDriving require a variety of skills and technique that often changes. The Driver must maintain a good alertness so they can react quickly in spontaneous situation in the road and avoid road traffic crash. Road traffic crash has become main causes of injury and death in world. This accident may result up to the severe injury depends on the situation and reasons of the accident. One of the most happened reason that cause the traffic crash is the consumption of alcohol d rink (Green, 2013). DrinkingRead MoreDistracted Driving Is One Of The Leading Cause Of Death Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pages Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of death. â€Å"Every year, about 421,000 people are injured in crashes that have involved a driver who was distracted in some way,†(Hopkins). Even though this is true, people who use a cell phone while driving are not punished as harshly as drunk drivers. A DUI, driving while intoxicated, is a misdemeanor and could result in a few months in jail, as well as a fine. The punishments for a DUI get more severe each time someone is charged. 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This journal is useful in identifying the risks associated with intoxicated driving. It can also help in determining the effects of alcohol exposure in contrast to drugs and texting while driving to see if there are any performanceRead MoreThe Consequences Of Accepting An Invitation For Happy Hour? Alcoholism1332 Words  | 6 Pageswhile driving is against the law and an arrestable offense. Many argue that drinking alcohol moderately, in a safe environment will not cause harm. Despite this, it is more complicated when people drink without limiting themselves which can lead to hostility and long-term effects on the brain and the people in your life. People should not drink alcohol because it can cause drinking and driving which often leads to death, drinking can and will cause brain damage, and drinking alcohol can cause depressionRead MoreLegal Drinking Age853 Wo rds  | 4 Pagesevidence, only one brings hard-hitting facts that truly make a difference: the legal drinking age should not be lowered because it helps prevents youths from driving drunk, it helps prevent youths from committing violent crimes, and it helps prevent incomplete develop of the brain. Even though drunk driving may not be one of the highest leading causes of death, it is still an enormous issue. As we all know, an inebriated person behind the wheel is extremely dangerous, so what if we could help prevent
Monday, December 9, 2019
Altered State of Consciousness free essay sample
Define Hypnosis and its development from ancient history rituals to present day practices in the medical field. Audience: American adults and college students Hypnosis, An Altered State of Consciousness In the beginning of time, there was a woman named Eve who lived in the Garden of Eden, a bountiful garden with many animals that roamed freely and fruit that grew plentifully. One day, Eve encountered a beautiful, mesmerizing fruit. This fruit was unlike any other, and its beauty captivated Eve. She wanted to eat it, but she knew it was forbidden by her master, God. This forbidden fruit forced Eve into a trance of desire. Eve became hypnotized by the forbidden fruit, so she took it from the tree and ate it! When God discovered that the fruit was eaten, he banned both Eve and her partner, Adam, from the Garden of Eden. Since the beginning of time, hypnosis was present in the human race. Mayo Clinic’s, â€Å"Hypnosis Definition†, which is supported by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), specifies that hypnosis is a, â€Å"trance like state in which you have heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption†(1). It can also be concluded, from a religious aspect, that the foundation of hypnosis originated when Eve took the forbidden fruit from the tree of life. She was hypnotized by the forbidden fruit, and forced to change her behavior by performing an evil act of disobeying God. Today, most Americans have a distorted, negative view of hypnosis, and many believe that it is like a magic show, where a person loses control of their body and performs abnormal behavior. Others believe that hypnosis is a dark art where people use some act of voodoo to traumatize and manipulate others. Although these views are overdramatized, theatrical, and quite terrifying, ancient history does show that the Egyptians, Greeks, and Hebrews used acts of hypnosis to please religious gods. Even today’s medical field uses hypnosis to make the lives of chronic pain patients more bearable. Society has a negative view on hypnosis as being mind-altering and useless. However, hypnosis is progressive and useful for American adults and college students who wish to escape the daily anxieties of work and school. Actual hypnotic practices on oneself and others can be life changing. The development of hypnosis progressed over time through ancient civilizations and today’s medical field. Although American society perceives hypnosis as a useless, theatrical magic show, hypnosis has many additional uses in ancient healing practices and present day medical field therapies. The foundations of hypnosis can be traced to ancient rituals of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Hebrews. According to David Reeves’s â€Å"The Roots of Hypnosis†, the ancient Egyptians used hypnosis over 4,000 years ago for religious gatherings and healings within their â€Å"Sleep or Dream Temples†(1). These temples were healing sanctuaries where a sick person was put into a hypnotic trance, and additional priests and priestesses would observe the person’s behavior during this sleep-like state (2). The priests would then interpret the person’s dreams and propose needed guidance and healing. The earliest father of hypnosis was a worshipped Egyptian priest named Imhotep. Imhotep used the sleep temples as a psychological tool for the mentally ill. By putting individuals into a hypnotic state, many viewed Priest Imhotep as a god who could cast out evil spirits from the body and mind. Also, in ancient Greece, Greeks worshipped the healing god, Asclepios, within their Dream Temples. In these temples, priests would use chanting to put a person under hypnosis for up to three days. During this three-day trance, the priest’s chanting would relieve the mentally or physically suffering patient. Unlike the Egyptians and Greeks, the Hebrews used a different type of hypnosis called meditation. Under hypnotic meditation, an individual would perform chanting and breathing exercises; they would also fixate on Hebrew letters that would spell out their god’s name (4). During their time, the Egyptians, Greeks, and Hebrews all used hypnosis in varied forms, such as, dream interpretation, chanting, and meditation to cure agonized patients. In John Ryder’s â€Å"Hypnosis: The Power of Trance†, today’s medical field uses hypnosis as a, â€Å"mind-altering state of consciousness that allows an individual to communicate with the subconscious part of the mind, therefore properly and skillfully promoting progress throughout the mind and body†(1). Hypnosis promotes an individual’s mental and physical progress with the use of hypnotherapy, which combines psychotherapy and hypnosis. Hypnotherapy guides an individual to gain control over behaviors or emotions that they wish they did not focus on. Hypnotherapy takes place when a patient meets with a licensed hypnotist or psychologist who is trained to perform hypnotic therapies. According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne’s â€Å"The How-To’s of Hypnosis†, a hypnotist will ask a patient to listen to their voice while they state and implant positive messages within that patient’s mind. Whitbourne further indicates that hypnotists influence a person’s mindset with the use of, â€Å"suggestion, focus of attention, relaxation, and imagery†(2). Mayo Clinic’s website additionally states that hypnosis is, â€Å"a procedure typically used along with certain treatments and therapies to help a wide variety of conditions†(1). This wide variety of conditions can include asthma, allergies, labor pain, chemotherapy, prevention of smoking, weight loss, work and school stress, athletic performance, dental procedures, and mental health conditions (2). Today, many Americans view hypnosis as an illusion, when in reality, hypnosis aids in numerous traumatic conditions and guides individuals to a happier, pain free lifestyle. In both ancient history healing practices and today’s medical therapies, hypnosis directs individuals who wish to control their undesirable emotions and behaviors. Self-hypnosis and hypnosis on others are both ways in which one can control these undesirable feelings and actions. Open Pain Journal’s â€Å"The Role of Suggestion in Hypnosis for Chronic Pain: A Review of the Literature†, states that hypnosis, â€Å"is an efficacious treatment for chronic pain and is found to be superior to active treatments on a variety of pain-related outcomes†(1). Open Pain Journal suggests to both American adults and college students that hypnosis is a superior treatment when relieving chronic pain. In addition, hypnosis can be used for those who do not experience chronic pain, but rather endure the daily stresses of school and work. Natural News’, â€Å"Hypnosis Improves Academic Performance and Reduces Test Anxiety for College Students†depicts an experiment where stressed out college students used self-hypnosis. Marie Carrese, a practicing psychologist in Long Island, New York, studied this experiment and outlined the benefits of teaching self-hypnosis to college students. Carrese taught college students to use hypnosis techniques such as relaxation and imagery usage (1). Not only college students, but American adults can use self-hypnosis to escape the daily anxieties of work. Although society views hypnosis as an impractical practice, hypnosis can assist Americans who experience the normal stress of life. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that can aid in the positive progression of one’s own mental and physical ailments. Many Americans have a faulty interpretation of hypnosis and its expansion over time. Although hypnosis is perceived as a taged demonstration, it has multiple practices in ancient healing rituals and present day medical field therapies. The foundation and creation of hypnosis can be traced to the first ancient civilizations of the Egyptian, Greek, and Hebrew people. Their use of Sleep or Dream Temples to perform hypnosis assisted patients in physical or mental distress. They all used hypnosis in different forms such as: dream interpretation, chants, and meditation. Today’s medical field, on the other hand, uses hypnotherapy to aid those with a variety of harmful conditions. Some well-known conditions that use hypnosis include labor pain, prevention of smoking, weight loss, work and school stress, and chemotherapy. Moreover, a practical example of hypnosis, such as self-hypnosis, can be used by American adults and college students as a tool to relieve the daily stresses of school and work. Although hypnosis is widely unknown as a progressive treatment for suffering patients, it is beneficial for all individuals who yearn for peace of the mind and body.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Oxbridge free essay sample
I love everything about soccer. I love the sweat that drips down my forehead and seeps into my eyebrows during a hot July practice, the cool winter wind that infiltrates my nostrils during a season game in early January, and even the never ending running sprints that is supposed to make me faster than my opponent during a game. But what I love most about soccer is being able to read my teammates next move in the intensity of the game. Some may think this is a result of being a good player, but actually it is a result of my interaction with my teammates off the field. Knowing their weak points, their fears, and their level of play contributes to my understanding of their next move out on the field. Whether they fake the pass or actually makes the pass to me, can prove to be a vital ingredient in winning the game. We will write a custom essay sample on Oxbridge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My passion for trying to understand others has sparked my interest in being a psychologist once I get older. Although I am still at that stage in life where one day I want to pursue a law degree and the next a doctoral degree, I believe the courses I have chosen, writing for the real world and psychology, are broad and can apply to almost any profession in todays job market. I believe it would be a wise choice to accept my application for the Oxbridge Academic Programs Scholarships. I have a passion for assisting others on a subject I am comfortable with as well as accepting help on a subject that I am not comfortable with. I try to deal fairly with all and am open to others’ opinions. I accept criticism well and as cliche as this sounds, I truly am not afraid to try new things. The prestigious Oxbridge Academic Programs can open so many doors for me in my future, such as college acceptances and internships. People who attend the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are regarded with the highest honors, and somewhere in the near future I want 2 to be one of those people. The knowledge I expect to gain from your psychology and writing course has no boundaries. I know I will not be disappointed. My strongest point is my ability to absorb what is being taught inside as well as outside the classroom. I work tirelessly at making improvements to my work. As noted by my AP Human Geography teacher, Mr. Sponsler, I graciously accept criticism, and am committed to excellence. When it comes to taking my studies seriously, you can find no one better. Writing is a hard skill to perfect, but the knowledge I wish to obtain will help me in every aspect of my future. The highly esteemed Oxbridge Academic Program is such a renowned program that I would be honored to attend. I promise to be a student who will live up to its high expectations and I am not one to bring disappointment upon my team.
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