Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Enter Through The Narrow Gate - 1289 Words
David Gu Mr. Robert Brinlee 3rd Period Honors English III 21 November 2014 Against the Current It reads in Matthew 7:13-14, Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. When pressed to make a decision, one is often inclined to walk the path that one’s peers are taking. More often times than not, we look for the easy way out. To merge with the popular outlook, much like the river current that flows downstream to its riverbed, all that is required of us is the immersion of ourselves within its undulation and be washed along. Choosing to be pushed by this current forces us to give up our ideas and substitute it for the common consensus. We realize that frequently our morals depart from the â€Å"common†value system, but we deny ourselves the urge to express such social commentary fearing judgement, exclusion, or even persecution by the masses. Few men choose to fight the upstream battle. Fewer men a re able to alter its course. No man however can reverse the tide. The moral issues involving slavery and the post Emancipation racial discrimination in 19th century America serves as a perfect example of such an upstream battle. Writer and rhetoric master Mark Twain sheds light on the topic of conflicting human principles in his work The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, what many call â€Å"the Great American Novel†.TwainShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The King Xerxes1530 Words  | 7 Pages Battle Analysis SSG Briceida Casas Senior Leader Course 16-006 20160730 SFC Chase Tippets Thesis The legendary Spartan King, Leonidas and 300 of his formidable royal body guards, led a coalition of Greek warriors against a much larger opponent, the Persian King Xerxes. Against the odds, the Greeks stood their ground and deterred Xerxes’ Army for three days at the Thermopylae Pass, known as the Hot Gates. Xerxes might have won the tactical battle, yet, the Spartans provedRead MoreThe Gospel Of The Christian Worldview1471 Words  | 6 Pagesdefined by one main verse. 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